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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Eating Yogurt Before Bed.

Yogurt is one of the most popular ferment dairy products worldwide. And it has numerous health benefits other than its basic nutrition. Yogurt is consider a nutrition-dense food due to its nutrient profile. And is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, and many more nutrients.

Anorexia, is it dangerous?

Anorexia is a symptom in which the person has a reduced desire to eat food. They do not feel as hungry as usual. Whether it is a favorite menu or a colorful and strange food that they have never eat before, they cannot attract attention

Benefits of not eating at night.

There are quite a few people who love to eat at night, especially snacks. if you stop eating at night for a week or more. You will experience the difference in your body. If you stop eating about 4-5 hours before going to bed, you

Stop bad breath caused by bacteria.

Bad breath is a health problem that can be caused by many reasons. Both from eating, smoking, and not maintaining oral hygiene. oral infection as well as the use of certain types of medicines. People with bad breath may lose confidence and become anxious and

Nutritional value of soy milk.

There was one study that tested the effectiveness of cow’s milk. flavored soy milk and calcium supplements. That have an effect on reducing fat in premenopausal women who are obese  and overweight. It was found that the consumption of low-fat milk menu. Such as flavored soy milk

How are depression and weight related?

Each patient with depression will have different symptoms depending on the severity of the disease, gender, and age. This disease makes the patient feel hopeless, sad, lonely, easily irritated, anxious, or feel. That he or she is inferior for a long time 2 weeks or more. And

Tips to take care of your relationship for a long time.

A strong relationship between couples is part of making life more fulfilling. But building and maintaining a romantic relationship is It’s not just physical intimacy alone. But it is a gradual weaving together of love and understanding for each other health. This will be the

Cracked Skin And How To Take Care Of It For Beauty

Cracked Skin And How To Take Care Of It For Beauty Stretch marks, one of the skin problems that bother you girls. Can often be found in the chest, armpits, stomach, back, cheeks, buttocks, thighs and groin. It will look like lines and traces of cracks. Which, although

What Does Sweating Tell You About Your Health?

What Does Sweating Tell You About Your Health? Sweating is a normal thing that we have to deal with every day. The more you live in a tropical country like us, the environment around you or the activities you do each day will provoke you to sweat differently. But